Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework
Before the research, in teaching speaking ability, English teacher of SMP IT AL ISLAM uses realia to teach her students and when doing the research, the writer uses monopoly game to teach students of SMP IT AL ISLAM. In this research, the writer assumes that may be a significant difference before and after doing the research.
Although in this research the writer uses three phases technique as like the teacher in teaching speaking but the writer assumes that students’ speaking ability may be better than before. Many reason can influence monopoly game may be better than realia. Firstly, realia is just the usual thing that is always seen by students in the classroom, so it is not a new thing that they could attract to be curious for seeing it. On the other hand, on the monopoly game many pictures that students may like to see. If they can answer the right question, they can buy the picture that they like. Secondly, in the usual teaching learning process, teacher does not ask students to keep working with their partners, but when using monopoly game, the writer divides the students in partner. They can keep working together to defeat the other player in this game.
In the third reason why monopoly game may improve students’ speaking ability because monopoly game forces the students to answer the questions directly, and it can be inserted the new material that students have known before. It is different with realia which is always seen by students, they might have known the name of that realia before. Fourth, by playing game students feel enjoy with the teaching learning process and the teacher is just as the monitor and facilitator of the teaching learning process. The assumption of the writer is if the students enjoy with the teaching learning process, they will input material easily without compulsively. Monopoly game also teaches the student to be independent because they try the new knowledge by playing game without using teacher’s instruction. It different by using realia, students may be bored with the usual learning process because they just hear what teacher explains in front of class. They can not be independent because they only do what the teacher asks to them.
In the last reason, monopoly game has some cards that help the teacher to draw or write the materials to be the challenge in this game, if there is any challenge, students may want to be a winner and defeat their enemy. It is more effective than realia that there is no complement helps the teacher to insert the materials because sometimes any material can not use realia as the media of teaching as like feeling, and thinking that can be expressed in a picture or a card.
In conclusion, the reasons above are the basic reasons why the writer assumes that monopoly game may be more effective than realia to improve the students’ speaking ability. So, there may be a significant difference between teaching speaking by using realia and monopoly game.

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